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Antarctica, Argentina & Brazil

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Fully Guided Locally Guided Coach Group Cruise Scenic
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* Port charges, taxes and fees included
 Cruise Length
22 Days
 Cruise Starts
Buenos Aires
 Cruise Finishes
Rio de Janeiro
22 Day Antarctica, Argentina & Brazil Itinerary (Scenic)
Countries Explored: Argentina, Antarctica, Brazil
Cruise Line
Cruise Code


Pristine and strikingly beautiful, this awe-inspiring region of untouched icescapes, mountains rising from the sea, and incredible, diverse wildlife will literally take your breath away. From basking in the magnificence of 275 thundering waterfalls stretching across 3 kilometres to marveling at the unbelievably giant Amazonian water lilies at the UNESCO biosphere reserve of Jardim Botânico, every day of your journey will be filled with awe and wonder. Wake up to spectacular scenery and ice-filled channels, and spend your days marvelling at the many wonders along the Antarctic Peninsula. Set out...read more exploring and immerse yourself in the grand spectacle. The constantly changing weather, scenery and colours provide opportunities for professional and amateur photographers alike. Breathtaking natural wonders, one-of-a-kind luxurious stays, and unforgettable experiences that immerse you into the local life of this vibrant land.

Embark on a journey that reveals to you all the must-see sights of Argentina and Brazil. Enjoy the unparalleled views of the Iguazú Falls without leaving your hotel at your exclusive Scenic Special Stay, before getting up close to the falls to feel the refreshing spray on your skin. Drink in the spectacular views at a mountain-top Scenic Sundowners event and watch the sunset bathe Rio in a golden glow. Discover the lively local culture and lifestyle of the city, including a mouth-watering Brazilian Churrascaria experience with samba musicians.


Arrive at your hotel for your one-night stay. Latin passion and European romance define the beautiful city of Buenos Aires, a dynamic city known for its wide-ranging architectural styles, contemporary and historical arts, and culinary experiences.

Your journey begins as you fly from Buenos Aires to Ushuaia, known as the southernmost city in the world. The crew will warmly greet you as you seamlessly board Scenic Eclipse. Settle into your luxurious suite and acquaint yourself with the world-class facilities of your Discovery Yacht. Toast the start of your voyage as you sail away from South America and cruise through the Beagle Channel. Admire the dramatic views of the Andean mountains of Tierra del Fuego from the comfort of your private verandah. (B/D)

As we begin sailing across the famed Drake Passage, enjoy a sleep-in as you get comfortable with the rhythm of the ocean. The experienced crew are available to assist you with whatever you need. Join an introductory presentation by the Discovery Team in the state-of-the-art theatre – as you get ready for your first landing, they will share with you their excitement about what's to come, along with practical information about your polar expedition. Relax and enjoy the bars, lounges, dining, and wellness facilities as you cruise towards Antarctica. (B/L/D)

Today we will enter Antarctic waters, and the excitement starts to build as you search for your first iceberg. Put on your complimentary polar parka and head out on the Observation Deck to watch for seabirds, such as the wandering albatross with the largest wingspan of any flying bird. Alternatively, watch for the blow of a whale in the distance. Your palate will be delighted as you explore the extensive range of dining options on board, from casual to fine dining including private in-suite meals served by your butler. (B/L/D)

Arriving in Antarctica for the first time is unlike anything you have experienced before. Welcome to a challenging, unpredictable, and stunningly beautiful environment that always finds a way to surprise you. Open your floor-to-ceiling sliding doors and step out onto the private verandah of your suite. See icebergs of different shapes and sizes sculpted by nature, majestic, glaciated mountains towering out of the ocean thousands of meters tall and enjoy the search for spotting penguins, seals, and whales. A truly unique way to wake up and start your day of discovery.

At the heart of your Antarctic Voyage is the Scenic Eclipse Discovery Team. With up to 20 members, all leading experts in their fields with diverse qualifications, from in science to geology, botany, history, photography, archaeology, anthropology, marine biology, and glaciology. They will answer your most curious and technical questions and be with you throughout every moment of your journey.

Included in your Expedition Voyage are incredible activities such as Zodiac excursions, landings, and hikes. You can also go kayaking and stand-up paddle boarding, which will become some of your favourite activities in Antarctica. Gliding along the water is peaceful and being at the same level as the icebergs is both a humbling and powerful experience. An expert guide is with you for any questions you may have, although it is the perfect time to embrace the silence and be in the moment.

Discovery: Partake in daily Scenic Discovery excursions. Cruise on the Zodiacs around ice formations, step onto shore to view vast penguin rookeries and seals. Kayak or stand-up paddle board around icebergs and hear the ice cracking and whales feeding all around. (B/L/D)

Board your Zodiac and feel the fresh, crisp air on your face as you cruise towards the 7th continent. Hear the snow crunch under your boot as you prepare for what the landing has in store. Each new encounter will fill you with awe. Witness wildlife in their natural habitat, with no fear of humans, or see historic sites scattered on the shoreline. Antarctica is truly a land of wonder.

Due to the extraordinary nature of the region, a host of choices throughout your Expedition Voyage are open and dependent on the ice and weather conditions. Your experienced Captain and specialist Discovery Team, who have made countless journeys to Antarctica, will use their expertise to design your voyage from day to day, making the most of 18–20 hours of daylight.

Discovery: Continue exploring the Antarctica with your experienced team. Partake in daily Scenic Discovery excursions. Cruise on the Zodiacs around ice formations, step onto shore to view vast penguin rookeries and seals. Kayak or stand-up paddle board around icebergs and hear the ice cracking and whales feeding all around. (B/L/D)

Remarkable wildlife encounters await during your time exploring Antarctica. Eight species of penguins can be found in Antarctic and the sub-Antarctic region, with around twelve million penguins living on the Peninsula. Going on shore to witness a penguin colony is an unforgettable experience. Close your eyes to get the full experience as you approach.

Smell will be the first sense to be awakened, with the not-so-sweet odour announcing that you are nearby. Hear their mighty calls getting louder as you get closer to shore. Watch on as they go about their day, clumsily waddling along and interacting with each other. Penguins that you may see on the Peninsula include Adélie, Chinstrap, Gentoo, and the very rare Emperor penguins. Whales are another powerful creature that you may encounter during your voyage, and you'll find their gentle movement calming and impactful.

Feel the anticipation of the first sighting of the blow of water shooting into the air, to finding where the second will come from, and seeing their giant body surface for another breath. It could be the back of a minke, the hump on a humpback or the dorsal fin of an Orca. You may be on Scenic Eclipse, watching from the comfort of the Observation Lounge, in a Zodiac with an experienced Discovery Team member, or lucky enough to experience this from their level in a kayak or stand-up paddleboard.

Antarctica is also a birdwatcher's paradise, drawing more than 40 different species. Keep your eyes peeled for wandering albatrosses, shearwaters, giant petrels, storm petrels, blue-eyed shags, diving petrels, cormorants, sheathbills, skuas, gulls and terns.

Discovery: Explore Antarctica with your expert Discovery Team. Partake in daily Scenic Discovery excursions. Cruise on the Zodiacs around ice formations, step onto shore to view vast penguin rookeries and seals. Kayak or stand-up paddle board around icebergs and hear the ice cracking and whales feeding all around. (B/L/D)

Ice is one of the first things that comes to mind when you think of Antarctica, but you will soon find out that it is much more than an endless white landscape. Portal Point is a potential landing site. Previously a British refuge hut, you will get the opportunity to walk up to see panoramic views from the snow-covered mountains surrounding you, looking over the ice filled ocean back to the ship that made all this possible. Sit down in the snow and take a moment to be still.

Lemaire Channel is an iconic location in Antarctica, so photogenic it was nicknamed ‘Kodak Alley’. If your voyage is able to weave through the channel, make sure you set your alarm and embrace the cool air on the Observation Terrace. Pass through the 11-kilometre-long channel, just 700 metres wide at its narrowest point, and be amazed at the dramatic rocky mountains rising beside the ship and icebergs passing by close enough to see them glowing blue under the surface.

Nestled in the South Shetland Islands archipelago, Deception Island is full of history, and is also one of the only places in the world that ships can sail directly into the centre of a submerged caldera of an active volcano. Scenic Eclipse can squeeze through a rocky gap into the peaceful waters of the horseshoe-shaped harbour. The island is also home to a few small scientific outposts and hundreds of thousands of chinstrap penguins. Walk along the ash-covered beaches.

Standing at the entrance of Fournier Bay is Mount Francis, the tallest mountain in Antarctica. There may be the chance to visit a working scientific base and discuss life in these harsh conditions with the staff. You can also explore the remnants of a derelict whaling station and a vacant British base or climb to the rim of a volcanic crater. Enjoy the chance to visit areas alive with wildlife such as penguins, seals, and whales. If conditions are favourable, there may be the opportunity to cross the Antarctic Circle at latitude 66°33’ South.

Wherever your voyage takes you, you will have countless “pinch me" occasions when the scenery is so impressive, you'll have to be reminded that this dream came true. Congratulations, you have made it to Antarctica.

Discovery: Continue exploring the Antarctica with your experienced team. Partake in daily Scenic Discovery excursions. Cruise on the Zodiacs around ice formations, step onto shore to view vast penguin rookeries and seals. Kayak or stand-up paddle board around icebergs and hear the ice cracking and whales feeding all around. (B/L/D)

Be sure to pack your swimmers. For many, the polar plunge is a once in a lifetime opportunity, and a rite of passage for people on an expedition to Antarctica. Once throughout your voyage, Scenic Eclipse will stop, and the team will set up the marina ready for the brave people who want to jump into the freezing Antarctic waters.

Excitement will spread through the Discovery Yacht, and you will start hearing the contagious nervous laughter. As you stand on the edge ready to jump, you will start to feel the adrenaline rush while your second guessing whether this was a good idea. When you jump, the moment before you hit the water will feel like it goes forever, just before you feel the cold water travelling up your body. This chilly dip will be invigorating, exciting, and surprisingly refreshing. If you choose not to do the polar plunge, make sure you find a good viewing location with a cup of hot chocolate as you feel the chills of everyone coming out of the waters.

Discovery: Enjoy a Scenic Discovery excursion, perhaps going with a group of new friends to cruise on the Zodiacs around ice formations, kayak, or stand-up paddle board in search of the impressive wildlife. (B/L/D)

Everywhere you go in Antarctica you are surrounded with endless opportunities to capture images on camera. Whether getting up close to seals by zodiac, walking through penguin colonies or onboard Scenic Eclipse cruising past spectacular glaciers, be sure to have your camera ready to capture these amazing moments. For an additional cost, today could be the day you take your seat in our custom-built submarine^ and delve below the ocean waters in a truly once-in-a-lifetime experience. You could also choose to soar above in one of two on board helicopters^ for a unique view of this spectacular region.

Discovery: When enjoying daily Scenic Discovery excursions, ask for your expert Discovery Leader for photography tips and guidance on how to spot the wildlife around you. They will help you immortalise these incredible moments while cruising on the Zodiacs, kayaking and stand-up paddle boarding around impressive ice formations. (B/L/D)

Farewell your adventure in the icy lands and set sail heading north to the continent of South America. Share memories of your experiences with new-found friends. (B/L/D)

Cruising the Drake Passage back to the tip of South America, there is plenty of time to indulge in the ultra-luxury of your Discovery Yacht and reflect on the magic of the Southern Ocean and the life that calls it home. (B/L/D)

Your cruise ends this morning as you farewell the crew. Disembark after breakfast to fly to Buenos Aires for a three-night stay at your luxurious hotel. (B)

An elegant city with pockets of colourful character, discover the highlights and the hidden secrets of this famed ‘Paris of the Americas’ with your local guide, including Casa Rosada, the executive mansion and office of the Argentinian President. Visit soulful San Telmo and La Boca’s colourful Caminito. This evening, enjoy dinner at the Gala Tango show. (B/D)

Freechoice: Take a tour with a local artist to uncover the vibrant urban art scene. Alternatively, discover the culinary secrets of Argentinian cuisine with a food walking tour. (B)

Fly to the magnificent natural wonder of Iguazú Falls for your three night Special Stay at your elegant hotel, uniquely set inside the park gates. As a guest of the hotel, you will be able to experience the sun setting over the top of the falls without the general public. (B/D)

Enjoy a leisurely walking tour to discover the Brazilian Falls before the park gates open to the public. Be awed by the world’s largest volume waterfall as you stand on the walkway in the middle of the falls. Later this morning, take an exhilarating jet boat ride towards the base of the falls and feel its spray on your face.

Optional helicopter flight: Soar over Iguazú Falls on an optional helicopter flight (additional cost, pleasebook on tour). (B/D)

Visit the Argentinian side of the falls. Discover the walkways across the top of the falls on the Argentinian side to the lookout where you will see the famous ‘Devil’s Throat’ and be awed by the sheer volume of water cascading over the falls. (B/L)

Fly to the vibrant city of Rio de Janeiro. A highlight will be your three night Special Stay at the iconic Belmond Copacabana Palace, set in the heart of the beach strip.

Sunset Drinks At Sugarloaf Mountain, take the cable car to the peak for Scenic Sundowner drinks and canapés while taking in the spectacular views of Rio at sunset. (B/D)

Today, you will discover the beating heart of this exotic city. Take a fascinating walking tour through downtown Rio, home to the Metropolitan Cathedral and the Selaron Staircase. Learn about Rio’s history and culture and appreciate the locals’ lifestyle. Ride the cogwheel railway to the top of Corcovado Mountain to see the famous Christ the Redeemer statue. This afternoon, indulge in a mouth-watering Brazilian Churrascaria experience. (B/L)

Freechoice: Walk through the UNESCO biosphere reserve, Jardim Botânico (Botanical Garden) while learning about its unique history, or discover how the old and modern parts of Rio’s downtown co-exist on a historical walking tour.

Enrich: A highlight awaits at your private farewell dinner in the elegant Cipriani Restaurant at the Belmond Copacabana Palace where you will enjoy a wonderful tasting menu. (B/D)

Bid farewell to your new friends as you transfer to Rio de Janeiro airport, taking a lifetime of wonderful memories with you.

The itinerary is a guide only and may be amended for operational reasons. As such Scenic cannot guarantee the journey will operate unaltered from the itinerary stated above. Please refer to our terms and conditions for further information. (B)

Life Onboard Scenic Eclipse I

Luxury Meets Discovery
Luxury Meets Discovery

Designed to deliver the ultimate experience of a lifetime the Scenic Eclipse fleet takes ocean cruising to a whole new level. Read more

On board Inclusions
On board Inclusions

Intimate and luxurious, with every amenity you could wish for, the Scenic Eclipse fleet has been designed with you in mind. Read more

Onshore Inclusions
Onshore Inclusions

Taking you beyond exploration to all-inclusive discovery is our fleet of Zodiacs, tandem kayaks, e-bikes, snorkel gear and snowshoes. Read more

All-Inclusive Dining
All-Inclusive Dining

Dining on board Scenic Eclipse promises to be a sensory delight. With an unrivalled choice of up to 10 dining experiences. Read more

All-Inclusive Beverages
All-Inclusive Beverages

Unlimited complimentary beverages*, full mini-bar restocked daily, still and sparkling water in-suite and an extensive range of specialty teas and coffees. Read more

Scenic Sixth Star Experience
Scenic Sixth Star Experience

Helicopter and submarine excursions, par for the course. Read more

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Antarctica & South America

Scenic Antarctica & South America (2023-24)

Explore the natural wonders of Antarctica, South Georgia and the Falkland Islands or discover the treasures of South America in truly all-inclusive, 6-star ultra-luxury on board Scenic Eclipse, The World’s First Discovery Yachts. Seamlessly link one of our handcrafted escorted land journeys to your cruise, creating an experience you won’t find anywhere...more else.

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Wednesday 29 Jan 2025
Ship Scenic Eclipse I
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Wednesday 08 Jan 2025
Wednesday 29 Jan 2025
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Tour & cruises prices are per person. Prices shown have savings applied, are subject to availability and may be withdrawn at any time without notice. Prices and trip information are correct at the time at this point in time, however are subject to confirmation at the time of booking and are subject to change by Scenic. For cruise itineraries, cabin images are sourced from Scenic. These should be treated as indicative only. Cabin inclusions, upholsteries and room layout may differ to the image(s) shown depending on the ship selected and your sailing dates.